Immersed in the aroma of chestnuts

When, in autumn, the leaves turn yellow and slowly start to fall, we know this as a tine when nature offers us its delicious fruit. The favorite of all the treats of fall, the chestnut, is the source of many desserts. Its name is also woven into the name of Kostajnica, where, in October, the best known Chestnut Festival (Kestenijada) in Croatia is traditionally held. The traditional chestnut harvest will lure you into autumnal nature as well, and as a reward will will offer delicious and fragrant chestnuts – roasted, boiled or candied. Join us for long walks in nature, full of seductive fruit. Hang out and have fun at the harvest, then feast on tasty chestnuts. The traditional Chestnut Festival is always cheerful – with a brass band, majorettes, and numerous other events such as choosing the best chestnut maker. Fun is guaranteed!

Tourist packages range from 1 - 2 days. The activity programme for a 2 day package includes: Days 1 - 2: activities in Hrvatska Kostajnica.