A Konavle treat

Konavle has always been known as a region of hardworking and active people, traditionally engaged in agriculture, in a unique natural environment. Situated on a narrow strip between the coastal, crystal-clear sea zone, bordered by high cliffs and the Sniježnica mountains, rich sources of drinking water, Konavle has always offered a rich culture. Learn about traditional and contemporary Konavle cuisine, the viticulture tradition, winemaking and wine cellars, as well as local culture and customs. And all under the expert assistance of guides and instructors to make the experience more complete. By actively participating in the program and the cooking classes, you will dip into a world of healthy organic food and a variety of Mediterranean flavors in a natural environment. Experience the unique bond between man and nature, maintained in Konavle throughout centuries, and nurtured there in its entirety. Enjoy regions mostly inaccessible to regular tourists and discover for yourself the best of the best.

Tourist packages are 4 days long. The activity programme for a 4 day package includes: Day 1: Konavle; Day 2: Dubrovnik - Konavle; Day 3: Komaji - Uskoplje, Konavle; Day 4: Konavle.