In the enticing fragrance of lavander fields

Lavender, an irresistible plant by which the color got its name, fascinates many with its fragrance. The products of this esteemed plant are very popular in the world, but there are not many who are familiar with growing it organically in the central part of Istria and the Vinodol Valley. Lavender fields are predominant today even in mountainous areas like Gorski kotar, and require special knowledge and training by these pioneers for this unusual and very demanding project. Learn more about this plant of relaxing colors and stunning fragrance, its healing and aromatherapy properties, and prepare various medicinal and edible products from enchanting lavender yourself. A conjunction of Croatian natural beauty, tradition, new achievements in the field of the organic cultivation of lavender and new culinary discoveries will provide an unforgettable experience for you in the kingdom of fragrances of this irresistible plant.

Tourist packages range from 1 - 4 days. The activity programme for a 4-day package covers the following: Day 1: Vižinada; Day 2: Fužine; Day 3: Bribirska šuma; Day 4: Tribalj.